Wednesday, May 16, 2007

SIP integrated with SOA answer to Intelligent JEE Application

With evolution of telecommunication the demand for real time communication is increasing day by day in any JEE application. For example as soon as user makes any bank account transaction using bank's online portal the portal should send a SMS to phone registered against that user. As soon as there is checkout in shopping portal by a customer the details of Order should reach to administrator either as a SMS or as a phone call (using the text to speech conversion technology). As soon as the stock price passes the target price set by the client, stock portal should send an SMS or make a call. As soon as there is transaction on Credit Card, SMS should be sent to user. Its not limited to passing the information on phone but also interactive communication that should take place between the communication device and web application like unless and until user approves of credit card transaction by his/her phone the credit card is not charged!

Can SIP be the answer?
SIP, the session intitation protocol, is the IETF protocol for VOIP and other text and multimedia sessions, like instant messaging, video, online games and other services. SIP is very much like HTTP, the Web protocol, or SMTP. Messages consist of headers and a message body.

SOA represents a popular architectural paradigm that advocates an approach in which a software component provides its functionality as a service that can be leveraged by other software components. SOA allows the integration of existing systems, applications and users into a flexible architecture that can easily accommodate changing needs. Integrated design, reuse of existing IT investments and above all, industry standards are the elements needed to create a robust SOA.

JBoss ESB is the answer to SOA and Mobicents for SIP. As of today JBoss ESB doesn't provide any simple way to integrate the SIP but may be in future we can have a Resource Adaptor which acts as Gateway that can act as point of communication between the SIP Server and ESB.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


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