Thursday, January 29, 2009

Mobicents Media Server 1.0.0.CR5 a step closer to GA (Stable) release

With the latest release of Mobicents Media Server 1.0.0.CR5 its just an inch away from finish line - GA (Stable) release. The CR4 was completely overhauled to achieve greater performance and CR5 is bug fix reported from CR4. In doing so there were number of modifications made such that the MSC API from Application Developers perspective doesn't change. The Announcement and IVR endpoint's in new MMS doesn't have transcoding capacity now. This was required to boost the performance. Also most of the time in Telco world the application developer knows precisely which codec will be used by end User Agent (UA) and hence use the pre-encoded audio file such that Audio Player reads this file, creates RTP packets and sends across to UA. If this is not the case than the application just has to front-end the Ann/IVR Endpoint with Packet Relay endpoint which still has transcoding capacity. The Announcement endpoint is capable of generating DTMF Tones. The Conference Endpoint is not modified and it too has transcoding capacity just like pre CR4. The Conference Endpoint has the DTMF detection and Audio Player such that Application can directly detect DTMF on Conf Endpoint or play the announcement.

We are very happy to announce that MMS can now easily achieve 100 concurrent announcements with transcoding. This test was done on my laptop which is 2GB Dell D620 mahine. We still have to do a test without transcoding and on real servers. If you want to test the performance of MMS in your environment please feel free to drop a line at amit dot bhayani at gmail dot com

For further details please look at